The safe inhalation or topical application of essential oils to enhance health and wellness. Aromatherapy through inhalation can be in the form of burning scented candles, using electrical air diffusers, or spraying oils through drop; lets sprays.
Alzheimer's Care
Designated care for patients with Alzheimer's disease / impaired memory disorders or progressive dementia.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certified Staff (ACLS)
Professionally trained staff members that are certified in advance cardiac life support (ACLS) in the event of a patient with cardiac or respiratory arrest.
Bereavement Support
Our Bereavement Coordinator to assist patient's loved ones through the complex journey of grief and loss after a patient has passed.
Blood Glucose Monitoring
The ability to utilize a blood glucose meter to monitor a patient's blood sugar.
Caregiver Education
Teaching the patient's primary caregiver, as designated by the patient. The educational teaching must be provided in a way that is acceptable to the caregiver so that the caregiver can appropriately demonstrate understanding.
Catheter Insertion and Maintenance
The ability to safely place a urinary catheter using universal precautions to drain urine out of the bladder and follow provider's order regarding how long to leave in place and/or remove. Maintenance includes the management of the urinary collective device, the assessment of urine flow and monitoring for signs/symptoms of infection.
Chronic Disease Management
Services that coordinate interdisciplinary care to proactively manage health conditions. The patient/community goals are improved quality of life, reduction of medical costs, improved quality of life, reduction of medical costs, improved self-care by patients and a reduction of acute hospital/emergency department use.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Care
Services for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as defined by supervised physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, supplemental oxygen maintenance, medication management, nutrition counseling, behavioral modification/relaxation exercises and palliative care access.
Dementia Care
The care of patients that have dementia. Our agency promotes a safe environment to encourage ambulation, improve orientation and ensure safety.
End-Stage Cardiovascular Disease
Focused on the skilled care of patients with terminal cardiovascular disease. Nurses with specialty training, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, social workers, palliative care and/or hospice.
End-Stage Renal Disease
Focused on the skilled care of a patient with terminal renal disease with or without dialysis treatment. Includes nurses with specialty training, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, social workers, palliative care and/or hospice.
Enteral (G/J Tube) Feeding
Enteral feeding services include the ability to access feeding formulas and supplies and administer per provider's order through the patient's gastrostomy (G) tube or jejunostomy (J) tube. Medical monitoring of the G/J tube insertion site, tube patency and patient's input and output is also part of the comprehensive service.
Fall/Balance Training
Dedicated skilled health care clinicians providing focus on the prevention and reduction of falls. The focus is on improving physical balance. Environmental awareness, and assistance device usage through physical and occupational therapy.
Fecal Incontinence Services
Fecal incontinence is the temporary or long-term inability to control bowel movements due to diarrhea, constipation, surgical interventions (ostomies) or physical conditions (nerve damage, etc.) Services related to these medical conditions include ostomy care, skin care in perineal area and/or ostomy, interventions to relieve constipation. Dietary modification, physical rehab to enhance mobility and/or occupational rehabilitation.
Fine Motor/Gross Motor Re-training
Focused physical therapy, speech therapy, respiratory therapy, cognitive therapy, and/or occupational therapy care plans in an inpatient or outpatient setting.
Home Health Aide
Trained and certified health care worker who helps patients at home with personal care (hygiene, exercise) and light household duties (meals).
Hospice Care
Level of compassionate, supportive care for patients nearing the end of life at home or in hospice facility; includes medical, palliative care, pain management, emotional and spiritual support.
IV: Antibiotics
Delivery of antibiotic medication through an Intravenous drip line which enters a vein.
IV: Central Line Care
Intravenous, central line inserted into a larger vein usually in the neck or near the heart to transfuse fluids or medication over long or short periods; specific protocols for line care are required.
IV: Medication Pushes
A large dose of medication infected into a vein directly or via an intravenous drip line in a noticeably brief period for radiology testing or in emergency situations.
LVADs (Left Ventricular Assist Device)
Service to assist in maintaining left ventricular heart assist device is a mechanical pump implanted inside a person's chest to help a weak heart pump blood (usually they have heart failure or need a transplant).
Labs (Send Out)
Facility cannot perform either specific types of tests or any laboratory test on premises; specimens must be sent out to a lab approved for the testing required.
Lymphedema Therapy
Treatments of manual compression massage, special compression garments or bandaging; used for localized fluid retention and tissue swelling (lower legs, upper arms, neck) as in cancer or disease.
Medication Management
Patient centered care to provide safe, effective, and appropriate drug therapy, collaboration with patients and their health care team.
Nasogastric Tubes
An "NG" tube is passed through the nose and down nasal canal and throat into stomach; can be used for nutritional feedings or to remove stomach contents, small objects, or fluids.
Nebulizer Treatments
A nebulizer machine turns liquid medication into a spray or vapor, so patients can receive respiratory treatment for asthma by breathing through a face mask or mouthpiece.
Nutrition / Dietary Counseling
A trained Registered Dietician performs counseling and provides education and information for diagnoses affecting nutrition (diabetes, cancer); offers support to maintain dietary changes.
Occupational Therapy
Therapy for those with physical or mental limitations that focuses on enabling people to participate in everyday activities.
An odorless gas that is necessary to sustain life. It is given to patients via nasal cannula, or mask for patients with chronic lung disease or in an acute situation to increase oxygen to the tissues.
PICC Management and Replacement
PICC is a peripherally inserted central catheter, used for the long-term delivery of IV medication, chemotherapy, and fluids. It requires accessing the port to flush routinely as ordered and administer meds/fluids.
Pain Management
Interdisciplinary approach to pain management that is appropriately care planned and regularly reviewed.
Palliative Care
A multidisciplinary approach focusing on relieving physical and emotional pain and suffering for patients living with a serious medical condition with the goal of improving the quality of life for the patient and family.
Placing a needle in a vein to draw blood for diagnostic testing.
Physical Therapy
Use of exercise, massage, and equipment by specially trained clinicians to help patients regain or improve clinicians to help patients regain or improve their physical disability, malfunction, or pain.
Pleurex Catheter Care
Care of the catheter used to drain pleural fluid from the lung or abdominal fluid from the abdomen. Care includes changing the dressing, draining the catheter, and connecting the drainage bottle.
Podiatry (Foot) Care
The medical care and treatment of the feet.
Portacath Care
Care of a Portacath, a device for intravenous access and blood draws located in a vein near the clavicle, includes flushing before and after a treatment with heparin to prevent clotting and once a month if not in use.
Pre and Post-operative Care
Preop care is the preparation of the patient through bloodwork, testing, physical exam, and education prior to surgery to prepare the patient for surgery. Post-operative care is care after surgery and is dependent on the procedure but includes education on care and side effects.
Social Work
Provides services such as discharge planning, psychosocial support, help with accessing community support, as well as short- and long-term adjustment to illness and counseling.
Speech Therapy
Helps with speech and language needs following a medical illness such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury or cognitive impairments to the point that they interfere with communications.
Spiritual / Chaplain
Provides one on one support to both the patient and family when faced with medical challenges. Will provide guidance to the patient and family based on their personal religious beliefs.
Stoma Care
Care to a patient with a pouch that has been placed into their abdomen for nutrition when the patient can no longer eat through their mouth.
Stroke Recovery
Interventions that occur within days to weeks after a stroke to provide clinical expertise in helping the patient to regain functions that were compromised because of the stroke, such as walking, walking, and other activities of daily living.
Surgical Drain Management
Sterile practices that provide systems to aide in the removal of drainage to prevent infections and to remove drains after surgery and care for the wound to ensure wound healing.
Tracheostomy Care
An artificial airway in the midline of the patient's neck requiring cleaning and dressing around the phalange/hole and sometimes suctioning through the stoma depending on the age of the tracheostomy.
Ventilator Care
The ability to manage, monitor and assess a patient that is dependent on a ventilator for breaking. The ability to manage ventilator setting as ordered by MD, usually would require respiratory therapy on0tore as needed.
Wound Care
Providing assessment, dressing, measuring, and monitoring of wounds as ordered by prescribing physician.
Wound VAC Care
Negative pressure wound therapy (wound vac) is a thick sterile foam like dressing applied to a wound that is attached to a device that creates the negative pressure sterile dressing changes are done as prescribed.
Bereavement Support
Our Bereavement Coordinator to assist patient's loved ones through the complex journey of grief and loss after a patient has passed.
Hospice Care
Level of compassionate, supportive care for patients nearing the end of life at home or in hospice facility; includes medical, palliative care, pain management, emotional and spiritual support.